
(C. Jardin) #1


So-hum meditation

The mind naturally and effortlessly transcends everyday worries and concerns when it is given the opportunity
but with the hectic lives we lead today this rarely happens. Perhaps in odd moments, while we’re taking a break
in a quiet park or have witnessed a beautiful sunset, a momentary peace and calmness suddenly descends,
l e a v i n g us feeling refreshed and alert; bathed in a bubble of stillness and silence. This fleeting occurrence takes
us by surprise but reminds us of the joy of life and the possibilities it could hold if only we could learn to enjoy

What does not seem to be widely known is that this state is easily and effortlessly achieved through a few
minutes’ practice of an amazingly simple but effective technique known as meditation. It can be taught in a few
minutes, can be practiced by anyone and will work anywhere.

With the help of a subtle sound or mantra the mind can effortlessly transcend to this silent state of heightened
awareness and rest within minutes. What’s more, the practice of this very simple technique helps build a solid
foundation for the mind, allowing it to effortlessly remain calm in the most stressful and demanding situations.
Meditation allows the mind to see more clearly and work more efficiently and effectively for prolonged periods
of time without becoming unduly tired or strained. Thus we can truly “do less and accomplish more”.

It’s our birthright to enjoy a healthy, stress-free life and this can be achieved by allowing the mind to rest and
recharge at regular intervals with a few minutes meditation; a technique which produces levels of rest a n d
relaxation many times more effective than sleep.

Progressively, over the centuries, this natural mind-relaxing procedure has been complicated, mystified and
watered down. By many it is seen as a battle to conquer the mind and senses and thus best left to the spiritual
aspirant who has the time and will to perfect his/her technique. Meditation should be neither a process of deep
concentration nor one of intense contemplation – it is simply an effortless way of allowing the mind to transcend
to deep levels of relaxation very quickly, easily and effortlessly.

Meditation is simply a matter of being taught how to use specific internal sounds correctly so that they act as
vehicles for the mind to experience progressively more subtle values of those sounds. Eventually, one
effortlessly reaches the silent field of all possibilities where thoughts, words or sounds originate.

The practice described here involves simply sitting quietly in a calm and peaceful environment and observing the
gentle inflow and outflow of ones breath. This quickly relaxes the mind and harmonises the nervous system.
However, this is only achieved if one’s thoughts are allowed to flow unhindered with no judgment or forcing
away of thoughts. Thoughts cannot be stopped and all attempts at trying to do so will produce strain – just pay
no attention to them and let them go.

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