
(C. Jardin) #1


The seven stages of a panchakarma detox

rejuvenation program

Stage one – palliation (shamana)

In order to rebalance the mind and body with these powerfully relaxing and luxurious panchakarma therapies
the digestive system needs to be functioning properly and the tissues need to be cleansed of accumulated
metabolic waste (ama). This is achieved by following a light, easily digestible diet for a period of at least one
week before the main treatment program begins. Herbal digestive stimulants are usually given to enhance this
process and to spark the digestive fire (agni). T h i s p r e-detox diet necessitates avoiding heavy foods such as
meat and dairy and eating only light food such as rice, vegetables and lentils (dhal). Light exercise, walking in
the fresh air, meditation and yoga are also indicated. C o n t r a-indications during the seven stages of the
Panchakarma program include: anger, excessive talking, shouting, travelling, sleeping during day, sitting too
l o n g, ov e r-eatin g, eating before previous meal is digested, unwholesome diet, coitus, excessive exercise, su n
bathing, swimmin g, extr eme h eat, extreme cold, windy weather, cold baths a n d cold drinks.

Stage two – pre-treatment (purvakarma)

Purvakarma involves ingesting a fatty agen t (snehana) such as ghee (clarified butter) for several days in order to
gradually penetrate all seven bodily tissues and release their stored toxins.

Day 1: Cleanses the colon of ama and mala (waste)
Day 2: Balances and nourishes the vata areas of the body and calms the mind
Day 3: Balances and nourishes the pitta areas, especially the blood (rakta) and lymph (rasa)
Day 4: Draws toxins from the kapha areas of the body, especially the muscle tissue (mamsa)
Day 5: Draws toxins from the kapha areas of the body especially the adipose/fat tissue (meda)
Day 6: Draws toxins from bone tissue and balances vata (asthi)
Day 7: Draws toxins from the bone marrow and nerve tissue and balances vata (majja)
Day 8: Draws toxins from the reproductive tissue (semen/ovum - shukra)

Th e snehana substance is taken early in the morning and replaces breakfast. We then eat only when this has
been fully digested – this may be anything from six to twelve hours depending on the amount consumed.
During this phase of the detox it is important for us to eat only when we are properly hungry – often we
experience a ‘false’ hunger which can be eased by sipping hot water.

Meanwhile, eating a light diet, low in fat and calories helps break down and release stored body fat and also
allows impurities within the fa t cells t o b e c o m e more concentrated. Because the ingested ghee that is
circulating in the bloodstream is free of toxins and impurities it exerts an osmotic pressure and draws the toxins
f r o m t h e tissue cells and carries th em to the liver and intestines. Light, herbalised oil massage, ho t b a t h s a n d
steam or sweating therapy (svedana) during this time help increase blood flow and allow toxins to be released
and directed towards the liver and small intestine mor e effectivel y. These preparatory measures, whilst ensuring
th at th e b o d y' s c hannels are open so that toxins can move out, also en sur e th at nutritive substances can m o v e
in to th e tissues (dhatus). The body is now soft, smooth, light and fluid and adequately prepared for virechana,
the next stage of the Panchakarma procedure.

N o t e o n g h e e: this highly nutritious a food source contains an excellent balance of health giving fatty acids. It is
very low in polyunsaturated fat, moderate in monounsaturated fat a n d i s a l s o a good source of vitamins A, D, E,
and K. It has anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties due to its linoleic acid content.

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