Pizzichilli: A unique relaxation experience – two therapists slowly and gently massage and bath e th e
body in gallons of warm aromatic sesame oil for up to one hour. Aches and pains, cares and worries are
effortlessly released in a continuous flow of liquid golden nectar.
Oth er ben efits:
- Pacifies vata
- Lubricates and thereby alleviates pain and pro m o t e s flexibility in the joints
- Alleviates pain and soothes tired, aching or sore muscles
- Moisturises and softens the skin
Udvartana: A fast, vigorous massage with a coarse herbal paste of barley and chickpea flour. It enlivens
and energises the body helping promote better digestion, healthier skin and firmer muscle tone.
Oth er ben efits:
- Reduces access ama
- Pacifies Kapha
- Increases circulation to the subcutaneous tissues
- Defoliates an d clean ses th e skin
- Breaks down fatty deposits and cellulite and helps with weight loss
Shirodhara: This amazingly relaxing therapy gently releases stress and tension from the mind and body;
it often accompanies Abhyanga or Vishesh. A steady stream of warm, aromatic oil flows rhythmically
across the forehead calming the mind and soothing the nervous system.
Oth er ben efits:
- Balan ces vata
- Promotes deep relaxation
- Harmonises th e h o r m o n a l s y s t e m
- Relaxes the nervous system
- Improves complexion
- I m p r o v e s m e m o r y
- Good for headaches, migraine, in somnia and mental stress
- Good for high blood pressure, restlessness and anxiety
Svedana: A herbal steam treatment allowing the body to perspire while the head is kept cool.
Ben efits:
- Releases toxins and cleanses the skin
- Softens, soothes and moisturises the skin
- Increases circulation and improves complexion
- Soothes painful, stiff, sore and aching muscles and joints
- Softens and dilates bodily channels (shrotas) and increases circulation
- Liquefies impurities hidden in minute channels
- Reduces chest and sinus congestion
- Helps with weight loss and is balancing for Vata and Kapha
- Good for constipation, earache, headache, asthma, chough, sciatica, dyspnoea, heaviness and
neck pain - Stimulates, lightens and invigorates the body through perspiration
- Reduces stress and improves sleep patterns