eternal marriage

(Elle) #1

President Gordon B. Hinckley

“How godlike a quality is mercy. It cannot be
legislated. It must come from the heart. It must be
stirred up from within. It is part of the endowment
each of us receives as a son or daughter of God and
partaker of a divine birthright. I plead for an effort
among all of us to give greater expression and wider
latitude to this instinct which lies within us....

“I plead for a stronger spirit of compassion in all of
our relationships, a stronger element of mercy, for
the promise is sure that if we are merciful we shall
obtain mercy....

“Mercy is of the very essence of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. The degree to which each of us is able to
extend it becomes an expression of the reality of our
discipleship under Him who is our Lord and Master.

“I remind you that it was He who said, ‘Whosoever
shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the
other also’ (Matthew 5:39).

“It was He who said, ‘And if any man will sue thee
at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy
cloke also’ (5:40).

“It was He who said, ‘And whosoever shall compel
thee to go a mile, go with him twain’ (5:41).
“It was He who said, ‘Give to him that asketh thee,
and from him that would borrow of thee turn not
thou away’ (5:42).
“It was He who said to the woman taken in sin:
“‘Where are those thine accusers? hath no man
condemned thee?...
“‘Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more’
(John 8:10–11).
“It was He who, while hanging on the cross in
dreadful agony, cried out, ‘Father, forgive them; for
they know not what they do’ (Luke 23:34).
“He, the Son of the everlasting Father, was the
epitome of mercy. His ministry was one of compas-
sion toward the poor, the sick, the oppressed, the
victims of injustice and man’s inhumanity to man.
His sacrifice on the cross was an unparalleled act of
mercy in behalf of all humanity.
“How great a thing is mercy. Most often it is quiet
and unassuming. It receives few headlines. It is the
antithesis of vengeance and hatred, of greed and
offensive egotism....
“And this brings me to another area where there
is so great a need for that mercy which speaks of
forbearance, kindness, clemency, compassion.
I speak of the homes of the people.
“Every child, with few possible exceptions, is the
product of a home, be it good, bad, or indifferent.
As children grow through the years, their lives, in
large measure, become an extension and a reflection
of family teaching. If there is harshness, abuse,
uncontrolled anger, disloyalty, the fruits will be
certain and discernible, and in all likelihood they will
be repeated in the generation that follows. If, on the
other hand, there is forbearance, forgiveness, respect,
consideration, kindness, mercy, and compassion,
the fruits again will be discernible, and they will be
eternally rewarding. They will be positive and sweet
and wonderful. And as mercy is given and taught
by parents, it will be repeated in the lives and
actions of the next generation.
“I speak to fathers and mothers everywhere with a
plea to put harshness behind us, to bridle our anger,
to lower our voices, and to deal with mercy and
love and respect one toward another in our homes”
(in Conference Report, Apr. 1990, 86–89; or Ensign,
May 1990, 68–70).

Greek: verb. Possible definitions: to be moved
as to one’s bowels, hence to be moved with
compassion or have compassion (for the
bowels were thought to be the seat of love
and pity). Example: Matthew 9:36; Mark 1:41.
4.Eleeo{el-eh-eh’-o} Greek: verb. Possible
definitions: to have mercy on, to help one
afflicted or seeking aid, to bring help to the
wretched. Example: Mark 5:19.
5.Metriopatheo{met-ree-op-ath-eh’-o} Greek:
verb. Possible definitions: to be affected
moderately or in due measure; to preserve
moderation in the passions, especially anger
or grief; hence of one who is not unduly
disturbed by the errors, faults, sins of
others, but bears them gently. Example:
Hebrews 5:2.
6.Sumpatheo{soom-path-eh’-o} Greek: verb.
Possible definitions: (a) to be affected with
the same feeling as another, to sympathize
with (b) to feel for, have compassion on.
Example: Hebrews 10:34 (see Greek and
Hebrew lexicons).


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