eternal marriage

(Elle) #1

sacred promises, it robs self-respect, it robs truth. It
involves deception. It is personal dishonesty of the
worst kind, for it becomes a betrayal of the most
sacred of human relationships, and a denial of
covenants and promises entered into before God and
man. It is the sordid violation of a trust. It is a selfish
casting aside of the law of God, and like other forms
of dishonesty its fruits are sorrow, bitterness, heart-
brokencompanions, and betrayed children” (in
Conference Report, Apr. 1976, 92; or Ensign,May
1976, 61).

President Thomas S. Monson

“Because sexual intimacy is so sacred, the Lord requires
self-control and purity before marriage, as well as full
fidelity after marriage.... Tears inevitably follow
transgression. Men, take care not to make women
weep, for God counts their tears” (in Conference
Report, Oct. 1990, 61; or Ensign,Nov. 1990, 47).

Elder Richard G. Scott

“Adultery, fornication, committing homosexual acts,
and other deviations approaching these in gravity are
notacceptable alternate lifestyles. They are serious sins.
Committing physical and sexual abuse are major sins.
Such grave sins require deep repentance to be
forgiven. President Kimball taught: ‘To every forgive-
ness there is a condition. The plaster must be as wide
as the sore. The fasting, the prayers, the humility
must be equal to or greater than the sin.’ [The Miracle
of Forgiveness(Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969), p. 353]
‘It is unthinkable that God absolves serious sins
upon a few requests. He is likely to wait until there
has been long, sustained repentance.’ [The Teachings
of Spencer W. Kimball,... p. 85]” (in Conference
Report, Apr. 1995, 103; or Ensign,May 1995, 77).

Precautions That Help Prevent Infidelity

1 Corinthians 7:2–3

“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man
have his own wife, and let every woman have her
own husband.

“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevo-
lence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.”

President David O. McKay

“The sexual impurity of the world today is the result
of the loss of true manhood through indulgence.
Unchaste thoughts have bred unchaste words, and

unchaste words, unchaste acts. In the teachings of the
Church, next to the crime of murder comes that of
adultery, and sexual unchastity. If the members of the
Church will remain true to their belief in chastity, and
will develop true manhood through practicing self-
control in other ways, they will stand as beacon lights
whose rayswill penetrate a sin-stained world” (“Christ,
the Light of Humanity,”Improvement Era,June 1968, 5).

President Spencer W. Kimball
“It is not enough to refrain from adultery. We need
to make the marriage relationship sacred, to sacrifice
and work to maintain the warmth and respect which
we enjoyed during courtship. God intended marriage
to be eternal, sealed by the power of the priesthood,
to last beyond the grave. Daily acts of courtesy and
kindness, conscientiously and lovingly carried out,
are part of what the Lord expects” (in Conference
Report, Oct. 1978, 7; or Ensign,Nov. 1978, 6).

President Ezra Taft Benson
“Control your thoughts.No one steps into immorality
in an instant. The first seeds of immorality are always
sown in the mind. When we allow our thoughts to
linger on lewd or immoral things, the first step on
the road to immorality has been taken. I especially
warn you against the evils of pornography.... The
Savior taught that even when a man looks upon a
woman to lust after her, or in other words, when he
lets his thoughts begin to get out of control, he has
already committed adultery with her in his heart
(see Matthew 5:28, D&C 63:16)....
“... If you are married, avoid flirtations of any kind....
“... If you are married, avoid being alone with members
of the opposite sex whenever possible.Many of the
tragedies of immorality begin when a man and
woman are alone in the office or at church or driving
in a car. At first there may be no intent or even
thought of sin. But the circumstances provide a fertile
seedbed for temptation.... It is so much easier to
avoid such circumstances from the start so that
temptation gets no chance for nourishment” (“Law
of Chastity,” 51–52).

President Gordon B. Hinckley
“Stand above the sleaze and the filth and the
temptation which is all about you.
“You women who are single, and some of you who
are married, who are out in the workplace, may I give

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