eternal marriage

(Elle) #1

fall into this category of pride” (in Conference
Report, Apr. 1989, 5; or Ensign,May 1989, 6).

President Gordon B. Hinckley

“I am glad that there is a growing public awareness of
this insidious evil. The exploitation of children, or the
abuse of one’s spouse, for the satisfaction of sadistic
desires is sin of the darkest hue” (in Conference
Report, Oct. 1985, 67; or Ensign,Nov. 1985, 51).

Avoiding Abuse

President Ezra Taft Benson

“To our temperance we are to add patience.A
priesthood holder is to be patient.Patience is another
form of self-control. It is the ability to postpone
gratification and to bridle one’s passions. In his
relationships with loved ones, a patient man does
not engage in impetuous behavior that he will later
regret. Patience is composure under stress. A patient
man is understanding of others’ faults” (in Conference
Report, Oct. 1986, 62; or Ensign,Nov. 1986, 47).

President Gordon B. Hinckley

“There must be self-discipline that constrains against
abuse of wife and children and self. There must be
the Spirit of God, invited and worked for, nurtured
and strengthened. There must be recognition of the
fact that each is a child of God—father, mother, son,
and daughter, each with a divine birthright—and also
recognition of the fact that when we offend one of
these, we offend our Father in Heaven” (in Conference
Report, Apr. 1991, 97; or Ensign,May 1991, 74).

“Question: ‘What are you doing to reduce [child

“Response: ‘We are doing everything we know how to
reduce it. We are teaching our people. We are talking
about it. We have set up a course of instruction for
our bishops all across the nation. All last year we
carried on an educational program. We have set up
a help-line for them where they can get professional
counseling and help with these problems. We have
issued a journal dealing with child abuse, spouse
abuse, abuse of the elderly, the whole problem of
abuse. We are concerned about it. I am deeply
concerned about the victims. My heart reaches out
to them. I want to do everything we can to ease the
pain, to preclude the happening of this evil and
wicked thing.... I know of no other organization in
this world that has taken more exhaustive measures,

tried harder, done more to tackle this problem, to
work with it, to do something to make a change.
We recognize the terrible nature of it, and we want
to help our people, reach out to them, assist them’”
(in Conference Report, Oct. 1996, 72; or Ensign,
Nov. 1996, 51).

Elder Neal A. Maxwell
“Familial patterns of abuse and unrighteous parental
dominion obviously affect us profoundly. But these
need not enslave future generations. Deprivation
does not mean automatic and perpetual ruination.
Emancipation is possible. God can heal us, if we will
submit to him. This is not to diminish the degree
of difficulty encountered in bringing about desired
change, but in that very difficulty lies the need for
faith and patience” (Not My Will, But Thine,62–63).

Elder H. Burke Peterson
“The Man of Poweris one who presides—
“By persuasion.He uses no demeaning words or
behavior, does not manipulate others, appeals to
the best in everyone, and respects the dignity and
agency of all humankind—men, women, boys,
and girls.
“By long-suffering.He waits when necessary and
listens to the humblest or youngest person. He is
tolerant of the ideas of others and avoids quick
judgments and anger.
“By gentleness.He uses a smile more often than
a frown. He is not gruff or loud or frightening;
he does not discipline in anger.
“By meekness.He is not puffed up, does not dominate
conversations, and is willing to conform his will to
the will of God.
“By love unfeigned.He does not pretend. He is sincere,
giving honest love without reservation even when
others are unlovable.
“By kindness.He practices courtesy and thoughtfulness
in little things as well as in the more obvious things.
“By pure knowledge.He avoids half-truths and seeks
to be empathetic.
“Without hypocrisy.He practices the principles he
teaches. He knows he is not always right and is
willing to admit his mistakes and say ‘I’m sorry.’
“Without guile.He is not sly or crafty in his dealings
with others, but is honest and authentic when
describing his feelings....

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