eternal marriage

(Elle) #1

  1. It furnishes the opportunity for endless progression.
    Modern revelation sets forth the high destiny of
    those who are sealed for everlasting
    companionship. They will be given opportunity for
    a greater use of their powers. That means progress.
    They will attain more readily to their place in the
    presence of the Lord; they will increase more rapidly
    in every divine power; they will approach more
    nearly to the likeness of God; they will more
    completely realize their divine destiny. And this
    progress is not delayed until life after death. It begins
    here, today, for those who yield obedience to the law.
    Life is tasteless without progress. Eternal marriage,
    with all that it means, provides for unending
    advancement. “Eternal increase” is the gift to all
    who enter into the eternal marriage covenant, as
    made in the temples of the Lord.

  2. It places the family under the protection of the power
    of the Priesthood.They who have won a temple
    marriage have been sealed for time and eternity by
    the power of the Holy Priesthood. This is the supreme
    power committed to man’s keeping. That power issues
    from the unseen world. It gives life and light to the
    world. Human life with its cares and worries is
    transfigured into a radiant experience and adventure
    when it clings to this divine power and is blessed
    by it. To walk under divine authority, to possess it,
    to be a part of it, is to walk with heads erect, with
    grateful hearts, before our fellow men and our
    Father in heaven. The men and women who have
    come with this power out of the Lord’s holy house
    will be hedged about by divine protection and walk
    more safely among the perplexities of earth. They
    will be indeed the ultimate conquerors of earth, for
    they come with the infinite power of God to solve
    the problems of earth. Spiritual power accompanies
    all who marry in the temple, if they thenceforth
    keep their sacred covenants.

  3. It provides a God-like destiny for human beings.“If
    a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law,
    and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is
    sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by
    him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed
    this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it
    shall be said unto them—Ye shall come forth in
    the first resurrection; and if it be after the first
    resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall
    inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and
    powers, dominions, all heights and depths....

“Then shall they be gods, because they have no end;
therefore they shall be from everlasting to everlasting,

because they continue; then shall they be above all,
because all things are subject unto them. Then shall
they be gods, because they have all power, and the
angels are subject unto them.” (D. & C. 132:19, 20;
see also The Improvement Era,17:1064; 30:1098;
34:704; 39:214; 41:136, 220, 268, 330; 43:586).


Elder Boyd K. Packer
Of the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles
In Conference Report,
Apr. 1981, 14–17;
or Ensign,May 1981,

The prophet Jacob foretold the destruction of a
people because they were blind to ordinary things,
“which blindness,” he said, “came by looking
beyond the mark.” (Jacob 4:14.)
We often seek for things we cannot seem to find
when they are within easy reach—ordinary,
obvious things.
I wish to talk about an ordinary word. I have tried
for months—really tried—to find some way to hold
this word up in such a way that you would be very
impressed with what it means.


The word is marriage.
I have wished that I could set before you a finely
carved chest, placing it where the light is just right.
I would carefully unlatch it and reverently uncover
the word—marriage.
Perhaps then you would see that it is priceless!
I cannot show it to you that way, so I will do the
best I can using other ordinary words.
It is my purpose to endorse and to favor, to encourage
and defend marriage.
Many regard it nowadays as being, at best,
semiprecious, and by some it is thought to be worth
nothing at all.
I have seen and heard, as you have seen and heard,
the signals all about us, carefully orchestrated to
convince us that marriage is out of date and in
the way.


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