eternal marriage

(Elle) #1

by the righteousness found there. In this way the
great sealing keys restored by Elijah, spoken of by
Malachi, might operate ‘to turn the hearts of the
fathers to the children, and the children to the
fathers, lest the whole earth be smitten with a curse’
(D&C 110:15; see also Malachi 4:6)” (in Conference
Report, Apr. 1993, 46–47; or Ensign,May 1993, 36–37).

Elder Russell M. Nelson

“Keeping the garden of marriage well cultivated and
free from weeds of neglect requires the time and
commitment of love. It is not only a pleasant
privilege, it is a scriptural requirement with promise
of eternal glory” (in Conference Report, Apr.
1991, 28; or Ensign,May 1991, 23).

Elder Joe J. Christensen

“Keep your courtship alive.Make time to do things
together—just the two of you. As important as it is
to be with the children as a family, you need regular
weekly time alone together. Scheduling it will let
your children know that you feel that your marriage
is so important that you need to nurture it. That
takes commitment, planning, and scheduling” (in
Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 86; or Ensign,May
1995, 65).

Sister Ardeth G. Kapp

“It is our faith in the importance of making covenants
with God and coming to understand our immense
possibilities that the temple, the house of the Lord,
becomes the focus for all that really matters. In the
temple we participate in ordinances and covenants
that span the distance between heaven and earth.
They prepare us to one day return to God’s presence
and enjoy the blessings of eternal families and
eternal life.

“I have heard young women around the world repeat
in many languages their commitment: ‘We will be
prepared to make and keep sacred covenants, receive
the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings
of exaltation’ (Young Women Handbook,p. 3). Those
blessings can be available to all of us—to all our
Father’s children. When our faith is centered in
Jesus Christ, our Savior, we begin to understand our
identity and our tender relationship to Him....

“It is through the ordinances and covenants available
in the temple that our Father in Heaven has provided
the way for us to return to Him rejoicing. To these
eternal truths I bear my testimony in the name of

Jesus Christ, amen” (in Conference Report, Apr.
1992, 110–11; or Ensign,May 1992, 79).


President Gordon B. Hinckley
First Counselor
in the First Presidency
In Conference Report, Oct. 1991,
68–73; or Ensign,Nov. 1991,
49–52 (priesthood session)

Brethren, we have had an excellent meeting. Much
has been spoken worthy of remembrance and
application in our lives. I endorse and commend to
you what the Brethren have said. I hope that every
man and boy, wherever you may be, may leave this
meeting tonight with a greater desire and a stronger
resolution to live more worthy of the divine
priesthood which each of us holds....

Experience with Sorrow

... during these ten years that I have served in the
Presidency, I have also experienced much of sorrow.
It is out of this experience that I wish to speak a little
further. For a full decade now I have participated in
the task of sitting in judgment on the worthiness of
those who plead to come back into the Church after
having been excommunicated. In every case there
had been a serious violation of Church standards of
conduct. In most cases there had been adultery, and
in the majority of cases, husbands were the offenders.
Disciplinary action had been taken against them. As
months passed they longed for what they previously
had. A spirit of repentance came into their hearts.
As one of these men said to me, “I really never
understood nor appreciated the gift of the Holy
Ghost until it was taken from me.”

Unhappiness of Women

I have spoken on three or four occasions to the
women of the Church during the past ten years.
I have received in response to these various talks
a substantial number of letters. I have kept some of
them in a file marked “Unhappy Women.”
These letters have come from many areas. But they
are all written in the same tone. I wish to read you
a portion of one of them which was received only

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