eternal marriage

(Elle) #1


Authority Covenants We Make with God Blessings Promised

A priest in the Aaronic
Priesthood (or any Melchizedek
Priesthood holder) may
administer the sacrament upon
approval of the local priesthood
leader. Sacramental prayers are
revealed in the scriptures.

We covenant to:
•Renew our baptismal

  • Recommit to take upon
    ourselves the name of Jesus
    Christ, always remember
    Him, and keep His
    commandments. Partaking of
    the sacrament is a time for
    personal introspection,
    repentance, and rededication.
    See 3 Nephi 18:28–29; Moroni
    4–5; D&C 20:75–79; 27:2; 46:4.

    1. The Lord forgives sins we
      repent for.

    2. The Lord promises that we
      may always have His Spirit
      to be with us.

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