eternal marriage

(Elle) #1



Prepare for the Future

President Gordon B. Hinckley

To the priesthood.“Be smart about training your minds
and hands for the future.... You have an obligation
to make the most of your life. Plan now for all the
education you can get, and then work to bring to
pass a fulfillment of that plan.

“You live in a complex age. The world needs men
and women of ability and training. Do not short-
circuit your education.

“I am not suggesting that all of you should become
professional men. What I am suggesting is this:
whatever you choose to do, train for it. Qualify
yourselves.... Regardless of the vocation you choose,
you can speed your journey in getting there
through education....

“Be smart. Do not forfeit the schooling that will
enhance your future in order to satisfy your desire
for immediate, fleeting pleasure. Cultivate the long
view of your life. Most of you are going to be around
for a good while” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1981,
57; or Ensign,Nov. 1981, 40).

“We believe in the training of our youth, girls as
well as boys....

“You have available to you tremendous opportunities
for training your minds and your hands. You will
wish for marriage and the companionship of a good
husband. But none of us can foretell the future.
Prepare yourselves for any eventuality....

“Hopefully, most of you will marry. But the training
you have received will not have been in vain. It will
be a blessing whether you be single or married”
(“Live up to Your Inheritance,” Ensign,Nov. 1983, 82).

“The world into which you will move will be
terribly competitive. You need to increase your
education, to refine your skills, to hone your abilities
so that you may fill responsibilities of consequence
in the society of which you will become a part” (in
Conference Report, Apr. 1992, 100; or Ensign,May
1992, 71).
To the priesthood.“Work for an education. Get all
the training that you can. The world will largely
pay you what it thinks you are worth. Paul did not
mince words when he wrote to Timothy, ‘But if any
provide not for his own, and specially for those of
his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is
worse than an infidel’ (1 Timothy 5:8).
“It is your primary obligation to provide for your
“Your wife will be fortunate indeed if she does not
have to go out and compete in the marketplace. She
will be twice blessed if she is able to remain at home
while you become the breadwinner of the family.
“Education is the key to economic opportunity. The
Lord has laid a mandate upon us as a people to
acquire learning ‘by study, and also by faith’ (D&C
109:14). It is likely that you will be a better provider
if your mind and hands are trained to do something
worthwhile in the society of which you will become
a part” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1998, 68; or
Ensign,May 1998, 50).

Elder L. Tom Perry
“Careers are ever changing. They tell me that young
people entering the workforce today will have major
career changes maybe three or four times during
their work life. Job changes will occur even more
frequently, even ten to twelve times during a life’s
work cycle.... The instability in the world today
makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel
and prepare for the future” (in Conference Report,
Sept.–Oct. 1995, 47; or Ensign,Nov. 1995, 36–37).

Elder Russell M. Nelson
“Opportunities for development of spiritual and
intellectual potential are equal. Masculinity has
no monopoly on the mind, and femininity has no
exclusive dominion over the heart. The highest
titles of human achievement—teacher, educated
professional, loyal employee, faithful friend, student
of the scriptures, child of God, disciple of Christ,
trusted companion, loving parent—are earned under

We believe in

the training of our youth,

girls as well as boys.

—President Gordon B. Hinckley
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