Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 524 (2021-11-12)

(Maropa) #1

Some of those separated from loved ones
found support in an online group called Love
Is Not Tourism. Among them was Linardaki,
who said she was impressed by the variety of
people’s circumstances.

“It’s not only people in their 20s,” she said. “There
were people who’ve known each other for very
little time, people who’ve known each other for
years, people who are 65 or 70 years old. People
all over the world were united by this difficulty.”

As for Tridle and her boyfriend, they hope to
get married in a couple of years and live in the
same country. But for now, the 30-year-old is
just looking forward to him being able to visit
at Christmas.

“I’m super excited for him to come to the U.S.
again so we can spend some good, quality time
together here,” she said.

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