New Scientist - USA (2021-11-06)

(Maropa) #1
6 November 2021 | New Scientist | 27


The columnist
Is fertiliser use really
skyrocketing, asks
James Wong p28

Bird portraits show
their character and
intricate grace p30

How New Scientist
broke the news of
feathered dinos p32

An ecologist explores
how we have altered
our planet p34

Culture columnist
Simon Ings admires
a beautiful film about
a young scientist p36


HEN Elon Musk joined
the fledgling car firm
Tesla in 2004, he put in
$6.5 million to become majority
shareholder and chair of the
board. Seventeen years later, in
October this year, the firm reached
a market value of $1 trillion, only
the sixth US company to do so, and
the second-fastest, after Facebook.
While much talk in financial
circles concerns the company’s
balance sheet – it is the lowest-
revenue business to achieve a
$1 trillion valuation – I am more
interested in what comes next
and how it encourages rapid
change towards a greener future.
Musk has long been clear
that the ambition for Tesla isn’t
just about building electric cars,
but about disrupting the entire
Tesla is a major manufacturer
and installer of photovoltaics in
the US, with plans for expanded
production of solar panels and
roof tiles. You can imagine the
corporate vision is one where
every house has a Tesla solar roof
feeding a Tesla electric vehicle
parked outside. The company
is already one of the largest
manufacturers of batteries and
energy storage systems at scales
ranging from vehicles to homes
to entire grids.
So what’s next? It would be
great if Musk could make heat
pumps sexy, though even he
might struggle with that. Perhaps
a different approach would be to
wrap it all up as a net-zero housing
MIoffering. The TeslaHouse? I would




live in it – if I could afford it.
I had an interaction with Musk
that gives me a clue as to where
else the company might go. Just
before my book How to Spend a
Trillion Dollars came out this year,
I sent Musk a copy in the hope
he might provide a blurb for the
cover. He said he would read it.
When I prodded him a bit later,
he responded, “Is that the book
with [Amazon founder Jeff] Bezos
in it?” and then I heard nothing
more. Well, he is a busy man.
But then a few months later,
something strange happened.
My book is about the global
and scientific problems you could

solve, or at least tackle, if you had
huge funds at your disposal. In
one chapter, I look at the problem
of getting carbon dioxide out
of the atmosphere and suggest
that a good way to stimulate the
development of technology to
do this at scale would be to launch
a lucrative competition. I propose
a prize of $100 million to the first
group able to remove and bury
100,000 tonnes of CO2 , or to
remove 1 tonne of CO2 for $200.
After being sent my book, Musk
announced he was launching the
XPrize Carbon Removal – with
a prize of $100 million. Even if
it isn’t strictly true, it is nice to

say that I spent $100 million
of Musk’s money.
So why is Musk so interested
in CO2 removal? Well, it currently
costs about $600 to capture
1 tonne of CO2. Once the price
comes down, you can imagine the
demand there will be from firms
and individuals to pay to offset
their carbon emissions. You can
imagine the size of the future
market. Scaling up production
of carbon-capture units will be
a multibillion-dollar industry.
We mustn’t forget Mars. A lot
of what Musk does is directed
towards the bigger goal of settling
on that planet. The atmosphere
of Mars is about 95 per cent CO2
and a device that can efficiently
remove it from the air will be
useful for making food and fuel.
You might not agree that
settling on Mars while our own
planet is in such terrible shape
is a worthy thing to do, and you
might be uncomfortable or even
repelled by claims about Musk’s
behaviour or the terms of
employment for his staff or the
amount of tax he has or hasn’t
paid. That isn’t the point here.
The point is that his strategy
has worked. I hope that Tesla’s
trillion-dollar valuation spurs the
company to roll out more green
solutions on Earth and inspires
new start-ups to do the same. ❚

Musk’s millions

Financially speaking, Tesla is a massive success. The question is what
will it do with all that money, says Rowan Hooper

Rowan Hooper is
podcast editor for
New Scientist. His latest
book is How to Spend
a Trillion Dollars
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