Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Fundamentals - SDC Publications

(Jeff_L) #1
Basic Drawing and Editing Tools

© 2013, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 2–25

  1. In the Options Bar, set the Height (not Depth) to Level 2, as
    shown in Figure 2–34.

Figure 2–34

  1. Place it in the lower left corner outside the building as shown
    in Figure 2–35. The exact location does not matter.

Figure 2–35

  1. In the Architecture tab>Build panel, expand (Column)

and click (Column: Architectural).

  1. In the Type Selector, verify that Rectangular Column:24" x
    24" is selected.

  2. Place it using the Midpoint and Midpoint snaps as shown in
    Figure 2–36.

Figure 2–36

  1. Click (Modify).

  2. Use the mouse to create a selection window around the
    columns so that both the structural and architectural columns
    are selected.

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