Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Fundamentals - SDC Publications

(Jeff_L) #1
Basic Drawing and Editing Tools

© 2013, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 2–39

  1. In the Retrieve Filters dialog box, select Column Set (as

shown in Figure 2–59), and click.

Figure 2–59

  1. Zoom in on the selected column set in the lower left corner on
    the outside of the building.

  2. In the Modify | Multi-Select tab>Modify panel, click


  1. For the move start point, select the top endpoint of the
    architectural column. Move your cursor to the left. For the end
    point, select the Horizontal and Extension of the center of
    the wall as shown in Figure 2–60.

Figure 2–60

  1. Do not release the selection.

  2. In the Modify | Multi-Select tab>Modify panel, click


  1. In the Options Bar, click (Linear), clear Group and
    Associate, set the Number to 10 , and set Move To: to Last.

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