Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Fundamentals
2–4 © 2013, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®
Options Bar
The Options Bar displays the most used options for an element,
as shown in Figure 2–2. These options are also typically found in
the Properties palette.
Figure 2–
Properties Palette
The Properties palette displays the current element type in the
Type Selector. You can select other types and modify some of
the related parameters for the selected object, as shown in
Figure 2–3.
Some of the properties
parameters are only
available when you are
editing an element.
They are grayed out
when you are creating
an element.
Figure 2–
Changes in the palette do not take effect until you click
or move your cursor away from the palette. If you click in the
window, it applies the change but clears the elements.