Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Fundamentals - SDC Publications

(Jeff_L) #1
Basic Drawing and Editing Tools

© 2013, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 2–

Pick Tools

Draw Options

When you are in Drawing mode, several options display in the
Options Bar, as shown in Figure 2–7.

Other options display
according to the type of
element you are

Figure 2–
 The Chain option controls how many segments are drawn in
one process. If it is not selected, the Line and Arc tools only
draw one segment at a time. If it is selected, you can continue
drawing segments until you select the command again.

 The Offset field enables you to enter values to draw the linear
elements at a specified distance from the selected points. For
example, set Offset to 10’-0" and select the end points of an
existing wall to create a new wall 10’-0" away.

Tangent End

Draws a curved linear element tangent to
another element. Select an end point for the
first point, but do not select the intersection of
two or more elements. Then select a second
point based on the included angle of the arc.
Fillet Arc Draws a curved linear element defined by two
other linear elements and a radius. Because it
is difficult to select the correct radius by
clicking, this command automatically moves to
edit mode. Select the dimension and then
modify the radius of the fillet.
Spline Draws a curved linear element based on
selected points. The curve does not actually
touch the points (Model and Detail Lines only).
Ellipse Draws an ellipse from a primary and secondary
axis (Model and Detail Lines only).
Partial Ellipse Draws only one side of the ellipse, like an arc.
A partial ellipse also has a primary and
secondary axis (Model and Detail Lines only).


Use this option to select existing linear elements in the
project. This is useful when you start the project from an
imported 2D drawing.

Use this option to select the face of a 3D massing
element (walls and 3D views only).

Use this option to select an existing wall in the project to
be the basis for a new sketch line (floors, ceilings, etc.).
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