Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1

Visual metaphors

This new meaning implied by a visual metaphor is often created by the context in
which the visual device is present. As such, for a visual metaphor to work (for the
viewer to perceive a specific meaning, in other words) requires the presence of
shared knowledge or culture. The existence of a common pool of shared
knowledge allows the designer to place subjective clues or references within the
overall design and this can form the basis of the metaphor.

Visual metaphors

A visual metaphor refers to something it

typically does not denote in order to imply

a similarity to something else.

Medway Renaissance (above and facing page)
Pictured is a large-format book commissioned by Medway Renaissance in
England to convey the ideas of Sir Terry Farrell, lead architect and masterplanner
of a project tasked with uniting the five Medway towns (Rochester, Chatham,
Gillingham, Rainham and Strood). The logo is a visual metaphor for the five
towns and their area of influence and the distillation of their separate identities
into a single unit. The book was created with five different covers, featuring
portrait photography by Xavier Young of people from the five communities. These
photographs form metaphors for the towns they represent; the locations in which
they were photographed are instantly recognisable to the people from the region.

The logo for Five Towns Make a
Cityfeatures overlapping circles
that provide a visual metaphor for

Design Thinking



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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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