Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Design Thinking

Thinking in words


A new word, expression or usage, or one devised relatively recently.
Two or more letters that combine to form one character. Ligatures are formed to represent specific sounds or
words, such as the Æ diphthong ligature, or to improve the visual appearance of certain letter combinations
such as the fl and fi combinations.

Client: Urbik
Design:Gavin Ambrose
Design thinking: Creation of a
new word (neologism) and use
of a ligature helps to reinforce
the futuristic ‘personality’ of
the brand

Pictured here is a brand identity for Urbik, a brand name devised and intended
to suggest, in a memorable way, the company’s interest in ideas about the way
people might live in the future. This new word ‘Urbik’ features two distinct
phonemes: ‘Ur’, a coastal city near the mouth of the ancient Euphrates River
(now Tell el-Mukayyar in Iraq), believed by many to be one of the first cradles of
civilisation; and ‘bik’, taken from Philip K Dick’s 1969 novel Ubikabout a magical
ubiquitous substance and the struggle to find it. Dick’s other novels also raise
the issue of how we want our habitats to be in terms of architecture, urban
design and town planning. Note the ligature of the first two letters, reinforcing
the Ur phoneme.


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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