Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Finding a ‘voice’
A message can be expressed in many different ways or with a different tone of
voice; for example, with authority, with contrition or with optimism. At times we
like to feel that someone is in control but at other times we do not like to be told
what to do. Finding the right voice is important in order to relate to the target
group and not alienate them.

Working with words
The raw material that words represent can be moulded and shaped in many
ways and to many ends. The creative use of language can help precisely
position an idea, company or product in the minds of the target audience.

The last 50 years have seen a growing acceptance in the media of more relaxed
language, with increasing grammatical flexibility and the use of regional dialects,
accents and slang. Rephrasing a piece of text into another voice can be done by
visualising the kind of person you think would communicate in the required way.

Designers can use synonyms or other related words to move from a formal
approach to a more relaxed and tailored one that suits the target audience.
This can be done through the use of a table, such as the one shown below,
to direct the thought process in the desired direction.

Words and language

Words and language

Messages are communicated not just

through simple semantics. Our choice

of words and language and the tone

with which we deliver them all offer

deeper meaning to what we are saying.

Formal Reduction Informal
Company brochure Us Our approach
Education buildings Kids Learn
Residential developments People Live
Masterplanning Space Place
Offices Action Work

Design Thinking



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