Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Visual patterns
Letterforms and words have visual patterns created by the typeface, size and
case. The visual patterns of letterforms are particularly important when it comes
to the design of logotypes and the creation of brands. Notice how the ascenders
and descenders alter the topography, or visual landscape, of the words below.

Vocal patterns
The vocal patterns or phonetic sounds and rhythms that words produce when
spoken can be replicated to some extent in graphic design. Some words, such
as boom, are onomatopoeic; they echo the sound of the thing they describe.
Other words have different vocal patterns: bar rolls off the tongue while back
has a harsh and abrupt ending.

Words and language

The formation of words that echo the sound of the thing they denote.
A word or stem ending that forms a new word or inflectional ending.

cope lap till

boom bar back

Cope has similar shaped
circular letterforms – this could
be used to the designer’s

Lap’s ascender and descender
stretch it vertically.

Till appears very upright and

A word with onomatopoeia,
which also looks like the noise
it makes.

A word ending with an uplift
and a trilled ‘r’ sound that rolls
off the tongue.

A word that ends abruptly
with a clipped ‘k’ sound,
which can be given a
more aggressive delivery.

Design Thinking



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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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