Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Client: Betster
Design:Studio AS/
Gavin Ambrose
Design thinking: Inventing
a new word for a brand-
naming exercise

Selecting a brand name that strikes a chord with the target audience can be
difficult. For this client, many names were considered initially. These were then
reduced via a process of elimination to Betster. Betster is a fabricated word or
neologism, formed using the word ‘bet’ and a user-friendly suffix. The suffix was
chosen as it is one that people are familiar with. For example, performance car
manufacturer Porsche makes a Boxster car and a betting pundit is a tipster. In
this way, the neologism ‘betster’ sounds as though it is a real word. Having a
unique word as a brand name has certain advantages, particularly when it comes
to registering a URL for a web address and the ability to take ownership of a
particular phrase or word.


Design Thinking

Words and language


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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