Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1



The type of media used to distribute a

design will have been identified earlier in

the design process but media choice may

present different considerations during

design implementation.

Design Thinking


Viral marketing
Marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to self-propagate a marketing message. Viral
marketing sees the target audience pass a communication to friends and family – perhaps by email, Facebook
or Twitter – and typically gives the consumer something for free so that they market other products to create
brand name awareness.

The advance of technology means that the range of media available – particularly
digital media – continues to increase. New media present new possibilities and
challenges for design thinking.

The digital age sees a stream of emerging media for designers and their clients
to embrace, which goes beyond merely creating a web page. Facebook, Twitter,
blogs, mobile phones, Blackberrys and palm pilots require designs to be
presented in different ways. The functionality of different media provides the
opportunity for designers to extend the functionality of their designs beyond
the traditional to include interactive relationships between a design and a user.

The conventions of traditional print media are not always applicable for digital
media. This is due to the level of interaction they allow, and the ability for users
to choose the content they want to receive and organise.

Designs are increasingly used across a range of traditional and new media, and
while certain parameters and functionality may have changed, the need remains
for design thinking to achieve consistency in its goal of imparting of a particular
message across different platforms.


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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