Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Client: GWD Media
Design:Peter and Paul
Design thinking: Personality is
brought to each character via
staff members but continuity of
an overall identity is maintained

GWD Media
Pictured here is a series of symbols created by Peter and Paul for an identity for
technology media firm GWD Media. The identity plays on the idea that technology
companies are staffed by geeks. The symbol is a restrained typographic marque
based on a ‘g’ character – the initial of both GWD Media and the word ‘geek’ –
rotating this character exposes the geek inside. Each of the images was created
by a GWD Media staff member, thus bringing individual personality to the identity.
The result is effective, eye-catching and personal, but the continuity of the overall
identity is maintained.

Mothercare (facing page)
Pictured are a series of print materials created by NB Studio for infant product
retailer Mothercare. Naive animal illustrations represent key elements of the
Mothercare message to new and expecting parents with a simple playfulness
that is also sophisticated and witty. The illustrations and a standard layout
provide continuity through the series. Design Thinking




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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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