Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1


The proposition
Definition of the design brief and its objectives should enable the design team
to establish the general proposition of a design. The proposition can be used
to describe the general ideas and values that a design intends to present to,
and be internalised by, the target audience. Once the proposition has been
determined it can be more precisely defined and articulated to the audience.

For example, an electrical manufacturer produces electrical goods, but so
do many other companies. This particular manufacturer’s values include being
reliable and giving quality service. Again, this is not unique. The proposition
needs to go beyond simply ‘what’ someone does. By spending time thinking
about the proposition of a design, subsequent design thinking time will be
focused and meaningful.

The USP, or point of difference
Having a clear understanding of the product, values and the proposition will inform your thinking at each
stage of the thinking process, and aligning these three facets will ensure a targeted delivery of an idea.

Product Values

Design Thinking

Stage 1 – Define


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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