Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1


Stage 3 – Ideate
The initial ideas of the design team had the central concept of planning for today as
well as tomorrow. The team wanted to create a shape or expression that could be
used for the group logo as well as all its sub-brands. Initial sketches looked to create
an abstract shape to represent the core idea of continuity and growth, which could
be used to create larger graphics or expressions across printed materials to support
the logo and brand concept. The initial ideas that went forward all carried a strong
sense of this and appeared intricate and made up of many parts or sides.
This helped reflect the different elements and areas of the client’s business.

The design team made a series
of initial sketches (above)
exploring and developing ideas
for a symbol. Different symbol
ideas were worked up and
given different treatments to
develop and test them (right).

Design Thinking

Example project


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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