Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Design Thinking

Themes of thinking

Client: Home MCR
Design:Mark Studio
Design thinking: Less is
more – minimalist use of
image and type communicates
a simple message

Home MCR
This brochure for the 31–33 Stockton Road building development was created by
Mark Studio for Home MCR and features a minimalist, or KISS, approach to the
design problem. The design is kept simple and focuses on the small touches that
help make a building a home. For example, a three-panel (double-gatefold) cover
features the house numbers that one would find on the doors of the homes. This
forms a key visual image in the brochure, and suggests spaces that are lived in
rather than a mere building or development.


An extra panel that folds into the central spine of the publication with a parallel fold. Gatefolds present a bigger
space to present an image. The example above features a double-gatefold with two extra panels.


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

black text

chap_3_FINAL_P48-81.qxd 8/18/09 10:34 AM Page 57

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