Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1

Refinement 82
Thinking in images 84
Thinking in signs 86
Appropriation 92
Humour 96
Personification 98
Visual metaphors 100
Modification 102
Thinking in words 108
Words and language 110
Type ‘faces’ 118
Thinking in shapes 120
Thinking in
proportions 124
Thinking in colour 130

Prototyping 134
Developing designs 136
‘Types’ of prototype 140
Vocabulary 144

Implementation 152
Format 154
Materials 158
Finishing 162
Media 166
Scale 168
Series/Continuity 172

Design Thinking

Glossary 176 Contents
Conclusion 188
Acknowledgements 190
Contacts 192
Working with ethics 193

Futro Studio Output


Peter and Paul


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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