Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1


Humour functions by tapping into the shared social and cultural reference
points of a group, and what that group considers funny or humorous.
Humour functions on different levels – from the Schadenfreudejoy obtained
from watching someone else make a mistake or hurt themselves, to the more
subtle mores of wit and irony.

The use of humour can also help to defuse what may be overly serious or stifling
subject matter. However, humour is very subjective and what is acceptable
humour will vary from group to group.


Designers can create amusing or funny

designs to help establish a relationship

with the target audience. People have a

great capacity to find humour in even the

strangest and most unlikely of places, so

this can be a very useful tool.

Rugel (above and facing page)
These posters were created by designer Slavimir Stojanovic at Futro for an
advertising campaign promoting opticians Rugel in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sport
requires accurate vision to achieve a high level of performance, and each poster
shows, in an exaggerated way, the poor results that poor eyesight achieves.
The absurdity of the exaggeration is humorous.
Design Thinking



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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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