Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Personification is an abstract quality that is used to represent the highlighted
characteristics of a company or brand. Designers create graphic devices that
personify these qualities so that consumers or customers can form an emotional
identification. Many company or brand logos function in this way.

For personification to be successful and credible, the graphic device – and the
attributes it represents – needs to successfully resonate with the target audience
and be compatible with the characteristics of the product or organisation. If not,
it will appear incongruous.

To achieve this requires the use of both top-down and bottom-up approaches
to design: top-down in that the characteristics that will be personified must be
identified and prioritised and bottom-up in that visual ideas are generated and
conceptualised in consideration of what will appeal to the target audience.

Heal’s (facing page)
Pictured is a packaging range created by Pentagram for furniture and home products
manufacturer, Heal’s. The monotone, imageless design personifies the company’s
simple, clean style, and uses a subtle, dry humour approach to design. Typograms
are used as graphic elements to form the stem of a glass, the handle of a fork and
the flame of a candle.



A design often personifies the particular

aims, attributes or characteristics of a

company, product or programme into

a recognisable graphic device.

Design Thinking

The deliberate use of typography to express an idea visually and through more than just the letters that
constitute the word.


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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