Maximum PC - USA (2022-02)

(Maropa) #1
>> All DAWs will provide you with enough tools to create a
similar end goal [Image D]. The good thing about the majority of
them is that they will provide you with either a demo or a free
trial to test them out. We recommend picking one with a clean
interface as heading into a new piece of software can be pretty
overwhelming. Also, this is where the real estate from a dual
monitor setup or an ultra-widescreen will come in handy.
>> To make life a little easier when starting and to keep
organized, you want as little clutter as possible. Interface-wise,
we recommend trying FL Studio to get into the world of audio
production. It has a colorful, clean, and intuitive UI that should
help inspire some creativity.

Hearing the most accurate and purest version of
your project is the best way to get the most honest
result. Using studio reference devices can allow you to
distinguish details that other peripherals may not pick
up, so you can tweak to even deeper depths.
>> Although the term ‘studio’ is often thrown around
lightly, true studio headphones or speakers still hold
value. They are created with the intention of being
used in the recording studio or your home office. We
recommend opting for headphones first as they are
often the more affordable option [Image E].
>> True studio headphones shouldn’t leak sound when
recording. If you are singing/playing an instrument
whilst listening to a guide to follow along with, the last
thing you want is for the microphone to pick up any
headphone leakage. These will most likely be a closed-
back design.
>> Of course, you also want them to be comfortable
and durable if you are using them for long periods.
However, the most important factor here is the sound
quality. Studio headphones are designed to reveal flaws
in your recordings and generally deliver a more neutral
flat soundscape for this reason.

MIDI stands for musical instrument digital interface and
a MIDI controller [Image F] essentially connects physical
hardware to the software. This can be used to virtually
play instruments and sequence audio files on your DAW.
>> You can use this device for pretty much anything, it
works as a universal controller that will play whatever
you tell the DAW to play. For instance, you could load one
button or key on the MIDI to play a specific drumbeat.
>> A MIDI makes workflow incredibly efficient because
of how flexible it is. Typically, they feature keys, a drum
pad, and some dials.
>> If you decide to purchase a MIDI controller, AKAI
produces some great introductory mini-models that
should get your creative juices flowing.





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