The Work of the Holy Spirit

(Axel Boer) #1
Hence the work of the Holy Spirit in the work of redemption did not begin only at


Pentecost, but the same Holy Spirit who in creation animates all life, upholds and qualifies
our human nature, and in Israel and the prophets wrought the work of revelation, also
prepared the body of Christ, adorned His human nature with gracious gifts, put these gifts
into operation, installed Him into His office, led Him into temptation, qualified Him to cast
out devils, and finally enabled Him to finish that eternal work of satisfaction whereby our
souls are redeemed.
This explains why Beza and Gomarus could not be fully satisfied with Calvin’s exposition.
Calvin said that it was the working of the Holy Spirit apart from the divinity of the Son.
And they felt that there was something lacking. For the Son made Himself of no reputation
and became obedient; but if all this is the work of the Holy Spirit, then nothing is left of the
work of the Son. And to escape from this, they adopted the other extreme, and declared that
the Eternal Spirit had reference only to the Son according to His divine nature—an exposition
that can not be accepted, for the divine nature is never designated as spirit.
Yet they were not altogether wrong. The reconciliation of these contrary views must be
looked for in the difference between the existence of the Holy Spirit without us, and His
working within us as received by our nature and identified with its own working. And inasmuch
as the Son, by His Godhead, enabled His human nature, in the awful conflict with eternal
death, to effect this union; therefore the apostle confesses that the sacrifice of the Mediator
was rendered by the working of the Eternal Spirit.

XXII. The Holy Spirit in the Passion of Christ
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