Advanced Copyright Law on the Internet

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
(i) CoStar v. Loopnet 672   
(ii) Wolk v. Kodak Imaging Network 673
(iii) Perfect 10 v. Yandex 673
(iv) Oppenheimer v. Allvoices 674
(8) Whether the Safe Harbors Apply to Pre-1972 Sound Recordings 674

  1. Limitations of Liability of Online Service Providers under the
    Communications Decency Act 676

    (a) Stoner v. eBay 676

    (b) Perfect 10 v. CCBill 678

  2. Secondary Liability of Investors 679
    (a) The Hummer Winblad/Bertelsmann Litigation 679

    (b) UMG Recordings v. Veoh Networks 679

  3. Class Actions 680

    D. Linking and Framing 681

  4. The Shetland Times Case 684

  5. The Total News Case 685

  6. The Seattle Sidewalk Case 686

  7. The Futuredontics Case 688

  8. The Bernstein Case 688

  9. The Intellectual Reserve Case 689

  10. Ticketmaster v. 690

  11. The MP3Board Case 693

  12. Kelly v. Arriba Soft 696

  13. Batesville Services, Inc. v. Funeral Depot, Inc. 696

  14. Live Nation Sports v. Davis 698

  15. Perfect 10 v. Google (aka Perfect 10 v. Amazon) 699

  16. Pearson Education v. Ishayev 699

    E. Streaming and Downloading 699

  17. The Digital Performance Right – The Section 114(d)(1) Exemption and
    Streaming by FCC-Licensed Broadcasters 700

  18. The Digital Performance Right – Statutory Licenses Under Section 114 for
    Certain Nonsubscription and Subscription Services 704

    (a) Preexisting Subscription Services 706

    (b) Eligible Nonsubscription Services (Webcasters) 710

    (c) New Subscription Services 720

  19. The Digital Performance Right – What Constitutes an “Interactive” Service 724

    (a) Arista Records v. Launch Media 726

  20. The Reproduction Right – Mechanical Licenses and
    Streaming/Downloading 728

    (a) Applicability of the Section 115 Compulsory License to Streaming 730

    (b) The Copyright Office’s Position – The 2001 DMCA Report and
    Comment Proceedings 731

    (c) The NMPA/HFA/RIAA Agreement of 2001 734
    (d) The Interactive Streaming and Limited Download Agreement of 2008 736

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