Advanced Copyright Law on the Internet

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

  1. The Requirement of a “Copy” 159

    (a) Cases Addressing Whether Mere Posting Is a Distribution 160
    (1) Cases Holding That Mere Posting Is a Distribution 160

    (2) Cases Holding That Mere Posting Is Not a Distribution 164

    (3) Cases Refusing To Decide the Issue 173

    (b) Other Cases Adjudicating the Scope of the Distribution Right 174

    (1) Hearst Stations v. Aereo 174

    (2) Fox Broadcasting v. Dish Network 175

  2. The Requirement of a “Public” Distribution 175

  3. The Requirement of a Rental or Transfer of Ownership 176

  4. The Right of Distribution Under the WIPO Treaties 177

  5. The Right of Distribution Under WIPO Implementing Legislation 178

    (a) United States Legislation 178

    (b) The European Copyright Directive 178

    E. The Right of Importation 178

F. The New Right of Transmission and Access Under the WIPO Treaties 179

1. The Right of Communication to the Public in the WIPO Copyright Treaty 180    

  1. The Right of Making Available to the Public in the WIPO Performances
    and Phonograms Treaty 182

  2. The Right of Transmission and Access Under WIPO Implementing
    Legislation 184
    (a) United States Legislation 184

    (b) The European Copyright Directive 184

    G. New Rights and Provisions Under The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the
    European Copyright Directive & Legislation That Did Not Pass 187

  3. Circumvention of Technological Measures and Rights Management
    Information Under the DMCA 187

    (a) Circumvention of Technological Protection Measures 188

    (1) Prohibition on Conduct 188

    (i) Exemptions Adopted by the Librarian of Congress 189
    a. Scope of the Network Connection Exemption – The
    TracFone Cases 199

    (ii) Epic Games v. Altmeyer 202
    (iii) Facebook v. Power Ventures 202

    (iv) Bose v. Zavala 203
    (v) MGE UPS Systems v. GE 203

    (vi) Granger v. One Call Lender Services 203

    (vii) Eyepartner v. Kor Media Group 204
    (viii) Granger v. Dethlefs 204

    (2) Prohibition on Devices 205

    (i) Sony Computer Entertainment America v. Gamemasters 206

    (ii) The DirecTV Cases 207

    a. DirecTV, Inc. v. Borow 207

    b. DirecTV, Inc. v. Carrillo 207

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