Advanced Copyright Law on the Internet

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(11) Security Testing 246

(12) Copy Restrictions To Be Built Into VCRs and Camcorders 246
(13) Other Cases Filed Under the Anti-Circumvention Provisions 247

(i) Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Connectix, Inc. 247

(ii) RealNetworks, Inc. v. Streambox Inc. 248

(iii) Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Reimerdes 252
(iv) A Related DVD Case Involving Trade Secret Claims –
DVD Copy Control Association, Inc. v. McLaughlin (the
Bunner case) 257

(v) A Related DVD Case – Norwegian Prosecution of Jon
Johansen 260

(vi) Another Challenge to the DMCA – The Felten Case. 261

(vii) Pearl Investments, LLC v. Standard I/O, Inc. 261

(viii) 321 Studios v. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios, Inc. 262
(ix) I.M.S. Inquiry Management Systems, Ltd. v. Berkshire
Information Systems, Inc. 264

(x) Paramount Pictures Corp. v. 321 Studios. 264

(xi) Macrovision Corp. v. 321 Studios 265

(xii) Comcast of Illinois X v. Hightech Electronics, Inc. 265

(xiii) Davidson & Assocs. v. Internet Gateway 266

(xiv) Agfa Monotype Corp. v. Adobe Sys. 266
(xv) Egilman v. Keller & Heckman 268

(xvi) Macrovision v. Sima Products Corp. 269

(xvii) Nordstrom Consulting, Inc. v. M&S Technologies, Inc. 270
(xviii) R.C. Olmstead v. CU Interface 270

(xix) Avaya v. Telecom Labs 271
(xx) Actuate v. IBM 271
(xxi) Navistar v. New Baltimore Garage 272

(xxii) Dice Corp. v. Bold Technologies 273

(14) Criminal Prosecutions Under the DMCA 273

(i) The Sklyarov/Elcomsoft Case 273
(ii) Other Criminal Prosecutions Under the DMCA 274
(iii) The Requirement of Willfulness – Deliberate Ignorance 275
(15) Other Uses of the Anti-Circumvention Provisions as a Sword 277
(i) Lexmark International, Inc. v. Static Control Components,
Inc. 278

(ii) Chamberlain Group, Inc. v. Skylink Technologies, Inc. 284

(iii) In re Certain Universal Transmitters for Garage Door
Openers 290
(iv) Storage Technology Corporation v. Custom Hardware
Engineering & Consulting 290

(b) Integrity of Copyright Management Information 295

(1) Definition of CMI 295

(i) Cases Requiring CMI to be Part of a Technological
System or Process 296

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