Advanced Copyright Law on the Internet

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(iii) Stockwire Research Group v. Lebed 327
(iv) v. Engle 328

(v) Granger v. One Call Lender Services 328
(vi) Pacific Stock v. MacArthur & Co. 329

(vii) Agence France Presse v. Morel 329
(3) Jurisdictional Issues – Blueport Co. v. United States 330

(d) Alternative Approaches to the DMCA That Did Not Pass 331

(e) The Battle Between Content Owners and Technology Companies Over
Built-In Technological Measures 331
2. Anticircumvention Provisions Under the European Copyright Directive 332

3. Anti-Circumvention Provisions in Other Foreign Countries 336
4. Fair Use 336
(a) United States Legislation That Did Not Pass 336
(b) The European Copyright Directive 337

5. Expansion of Library/Archives Exemptions 338
6. Distance Education 338

7. Copying in the Course of Computer Maintenance or Repair 339

8. Other Provisions of the DMCA 339
(a) Evaluation of Impact of Copyright Law on Electronic Commerce 339

(b) Clarification of the Authority of the Copyright Office 340

(c) Ephemeral Recordings 341

(d) Statutory Licenses With Respect to Performances of Sound
Recordings 341

(e) Assumption of Contractual Obligations Related to Transfers of Rights
in Motion Pictures 342

(f) Protection of Certain Industrial Designs 342

(1) Protection of Designs Embodied in Useful Articles 343

(2) Originality 343
(3) Exclusions from Protection 343

(4) Adaptations of Unprotectable Elements 344

(5) Duration of Protection and Design Notice 344

(6) Rights of a Design Owner and Limitations 345

(7) Standard of Infringement 345

(8) Benefit of Foreign Filing Date 346

(9) Vesting and Transfer of Ownership 346

(10) Remedies of Injunctive Relief, Damages, Attorneys’ Fees and
Destruction 346
(11) Private Rights of Action Against Pirated Designs 347

(12) Relation to Design Patents and Retroactive Effect 347

(g) Limitation of Liability of Online Service Providers 347
(h) Subpoenas to Service Providers 347

(1) Jurisdictional Issues 348

(2) RIAA v. Verizon Internet Services 348

(3) The Charter Communications Litigation 351

(4) Fatwallet v. Best Buy 352

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