Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

Language: a system of verbal and in many cases
written symbols with rules about how those
symbols can be strung together to convey more
complex meanings.

Liberal feminism: A variant of feminist sociology which
recognizes inequalities but believes that reform
can take place without a fundamental
restructuring of the social system Operant (see
also instrumental conditioning): A type of
conditioning in which response is controlled.

Longitudinal survey: is conducted on the same type of
people over long period of time, as long as

Macro- sociology: A level of sociological analysis that
studies the large-scale aspects of society.

Material culture: The tangible things created by people,
such as tools, technological products, etc

Meso-level analysis: A level of sociological analysis
that takes into account human social phenomena
in between the micro- and macro-levels

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