Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

Micro-sociology: A level of sociological analysis that is
interested in small-scale level of the structure
and functioning of human social groups

Mores: Are important and stronger social norms for
existence, safety, well-being and continuity of the
society or the group or society

Negative social control: A type of social control which
involves punishment or regulating behavior of

Network conception of society: An approach which
views society as overlapping, dynamic and fluid
network of economic, political, cultural and other
relations at various levels.

Non-conformists: those who don’t abide by the norms
of a society.

Non-material culture: The non-tangible, ideational
phenomena such as values, language, beliefs,
norms, ways of acting and doings things, etc

Non-participant observation: collecting data without
participating in what the informants or the
subjects do

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