Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

Social change: the alteration or transformation at large
scale level in the social structure, social
institutions, social organization and patterns of
social behavior in a given society or social

Social class: A group of individuals who share similar
socio-economic backgrounds

Social conflict: Conflict involving clash of interest
between individuals in a social group like in a
family or between groups or societies. It results
due to power imbalance, due to unfair
distribution of resources.

Social conflict theory: This theory is also called
Marxism; to indicate that the main impetus to the
theory derives from the writings of Karl Marx This
theory sees society in a framework of class
conflicts and focuses on the struggle for scarce
resources by different groups in a given society

Social construction of reality: the process by which
we take the various elements available in our
society and put them together to form a particular
view of reality.

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