accumulate at the root tips in response to root tip nutri-
ents and then lyse within a few minutes (Fig. 10.17).
The use of surfactants such as rhamnolipids, or even
crude extracts of saponin-containing tissues such as oat
roots, could provide disease control in hydroponic
glasshouse-cropping systems where zoosporic fungi can
cause serious diseases. This is now being investigated
in several laboratories, to find environmentally safe
alternatives to the use of fungicides.
Zoospore motility
In appropriate conditions zoospores of Oomycota
can swim for 10 hours or more, at rates of at least
100 μms−^1 fuelled by endogenous nutrient reserves. So
they could, in theory, swim as far as 3– 4 meters for
dispersal to new environments. However, the zoospores
make frequent random turns (Fig. 10.18), and because
of this the rate of dispersion by Phytophthorazoospores
in still water has been found to be little more than the
rate of diffusion of a small molecule such as HCl.
Clearly, the swimming activity of zoospores must
serve other roles. One of these roles is that swimming
zoospores can remain in suspension and be carried
in moving water, whereas nonmotile spores tend to
settle out. This has been demonstrated both in artificial
soils and in field soils, where zoospores of Oomycota
can escape entrapment in narrow, water-filled soil
pores, so they can remain suspended and spread in
surface run-off water, whereas zoospore cysts are easily
trapped in soil. But the main role of zoospores is that
their swimming is linked to sensory perception: they
can swim towards attractants such as nutrients or
oxygen (positive chemotaxis) or avoid unsuitable
chemical environments (negative chemotaxis). Zoo-
spores also can respond to pH gradients, to electrical
or ionic fields (electrotaxis), and they can accumulate
by autoaggregation. The extreme responsiveness of
zoospores enables them to settle and encyst in envir-
onments that are most appropriate for subsequent
development. For example, zoospores often accumulate
in large numbers near root tips, at plant wound sites,
or around individual stomata on a leaf surface. This
“homing and docking” sequence of zoospores, dis-
cussed below, is as sophisticated and rapid as any that
have been described in the biological world.
The “homing and docking” sequence of
The events in the “homing and docking” sequence of
zoospores (Fig. 10.19) have been studied in detail for
Pythiumand Phytophthoraspecies. The sequence begins
when a zoospore detects a gradient of chemoattractant,
which causes a partial suppression of random turns so
that the spore tends to move up the attractant gradient.
This phase of zoospore taxis, or zoospore kinesis, can
i ii iii iv
vii vi v
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.17(a) Oat root tips with natural blue auto-
fluorescence caused by the presence of avenacin. (b) A
Pythiumzoospore undergoing disorganization and lysis
in the presence of avenacin. (c) Responses of wall-less
zoospores of Oomycota to saponins such as avenacin or
b-aescin: (i) motile zoospore; (ii) immobilization and
rounding-up; (iii) development of phase-dark granules;
(iv) localization of granules and development of vacuoles;
(v) lysis; (vi,vii) ballooning followed by lysis. Disruption of
the zoospores usually occurs within 5–10 minutes. (From
Deacon & Mitchell 1985.)
Fig. 10.18Zoospore tracks of Oomycota, captured as neg-
atives on photographic film during a 5-second exposure
and showing frequent random turns in the absence of an