are not used commercially because of their nonspecific
toxicity or other undesirable side-effects. Patulinis
one such example (see Fig. 7.13); it was a promising
antibiotic but its development was abandoned be-
cause, among other things, it was found to be a potent
mycotoxin. However, antibiotics are produced naturally
in a wide range of environments and they play signi-
ficant roles in species interactions. Some of the most
common fungi that produce antibiotics in natural and
agricultural environments are species of Ascomycota
and mitosporic fungi, including Penicillium, Aspergillus,
Fusarium, and Trichoderma. The Basidiomycota also
produce several antibiotics, but very few antibiotics have
been recorded from Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, or
Oomycota, perhaps because these organisms have a
short life cycle and do not need to defend a substrate
against invaders.
Antibiotics in natural environments:
the control of fungi by fluorescent
The past two decades have brought major advances in
the detection of antibiotics in the root zone (rhizo-
sphere) of crops, helping to explain how fluorescent
pseudomonads can control fungal pathogens of roots.
Fluorescent pseudomonads are found on the roots
of many plants, often at high population levels, and
can be detected easily by plating soil dilutions onto
“King’s B agar.” This is an iron-deficient medium,
so it induces these bacteria to release fluorescent
siderophores (iron-chelating compounds) to capture
iron (Chapter 6). However, only a small subset of
fluorescent pseudomonads (including strains of
Pseudomonas fluorescensand P. aureofaciens) are highly
effective in controlling fungi. These strains produce
specific antifungal antibiotics such as phenazine-1-
carboxylic acid(PCA) and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol
(DAPG) (Fig. 12.1).
Such strains were first recognized in field conditions,
where crops such as tobacco or wheat grown in sites
with naturally high populations of PCA- or DAPG-
producers grew better than crops with low population
levels of these bacteria. The terms disease-suppressive
soil, and disease-conducive soilare used to describe
this difference. In experimental studies, disease-
suppressive soils can be converted to disease-conducive
soils by pasteurization (treatment at about 60°C
for 30 minutes). Conversely, the reintroduction of
antibiotic-producing pseudomonads, at sufficiently
high levels, can render the soils suppressive again.
The most detailed studies on soil suppressiveness have
been made for the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces
graminis– one of the most important root pathogens
of cereal crops. This fungus infects roots from inoc-
ulum that persists in soil from a previous cereal crop,
and it then grows along the roots as darkly pigmented
“runner hyphae” (see Fig. 9.11). From these, it sends
infection hyphae into the root, destroying the cortical
cells and entering the vascular system, where it destroys
the phloem (sugar-conducting cells) and blocks the
water-conducting xylem vessels with dark vascular
gels. The level of take-all infection increases progres-
sively from one season to the next if cereals are grown
repeatedly in a site. But after 3 or 4 years of cereal mono-
culture the disease reaches a peak and then spontane-
ously declines to a level at which cereals can be grown
continuously without suffering serious yield losses.
This spontaneous decline in the disease level is termed
take-all decline(Fig. 12.2) and it is always strongly cor-
related with a high population of antibiotic-producing
fluorescent pseudomonads, which seem to be favored
by continuous cereal cropping.
A significant advance in understanding this
phenomenon was made in the early 1990s, when
Thomashow et al.(1990) used high performance
liquid chromatography(HPLC) to detect phenazine-
1-carboxylic acid (PCA) in the rhizosphere of young
238 CHAPTER 12
Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid 2,4-diacetyl phloroglucinol
CH 3
Fig. 12.1Two antibiotics from fluorescent pseudomonads
that are widely implicated in control of plant-pathogenic
152 etc
Years of cereal cropping
Take-all level
Fig. 12.2Take-all decline when cereals are grown con-
tinuously (year after year) in field conditions.