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a biological control agent can become established. For
example, soil-borne sporangia of the common seedling
pathogen Pythium ultimumcan germinate within 1–2
hours in response to volatile metabolites released from
germinating seeds (probably ethanol but possibly also
acetaldehyde), and the seed tissues can be heavily colo-
nized within 6–12 hours of planting in Pythium-
infested soil. Biocontrol agents are unlikely to act fast
enough to control such pathogens (Nelson 1987, 1992).

Athelia rolfsii

The sclerotium-forming fungus Athelia (Sclerotium)
rolfsii(Basidiomycota) is one of the most devastating
seedling pathogens in the warmer parts of the world
where rainfall is seasonal. The sclerotia of A. rolfsii
(Fig. 14.1) survive in soil during the dry season and are
triggered to germinate after the first rains. Then the
fungus grows on the re-wetted crop residues from the
previous season and uses these residues as a food base
to attack the newly sown crop, typically rotting the basal
stem tissues within 3– 4 weeks. Large areas of cereals,
and other crops, can be destroyed by this fungus.
The key to understanding A. rolfsiilies in the beha-
vior of its sclerotia, as shown by the experiment in

Fig. 14.2 and Table 14.1. If sclerotia are harvested from
laboratory cultures they exhibit hyphal germination,
whereby only a few hyphae emerge and these can infect
plants at only a short distance from the sclerotia
(0.5 cm). But sclerotia that have been air-dried show
eruptive germinationwhen remoistened – all the
sclerotial reserves are used to produce a mass of
hyphae, which are organized into mycelial cords
and can infect a plant at up to 3.5 cm distance. The
sclerotia of this fungus are even more effective in the
presence of freshly decomposing organic matter (e.g.
crop residues from the previous season, which start to
decompose after the first rains). Volatile compounds,
especially methanol, are released from these freshly
decomposing residues, due to the actions of pectic
enzymes that persisted in the residues. These volatile
compounds trigger the sclerotia to germinate erupt-
ively and also serve as nutrients, orientating growth
towards the source of methanol. In these conditions,
the sclerotia can infect seedlings even 6 cm away.
These experiments seem to parallel closely the beha-
vior of the fungus in cropping systems, where A. rolfsii
characteristically colonizes the crop residues and uses
these as a food base to support infection of the basal
stem tissues of young plants. It has an extremely


Fig. 14.1(a) Colony of Athelia rolfsiion an agar plate. The sclerotia (some indicated by arrowheads) develop near the
colony margin. The white mycelium is aggregated into mycelial cords. (b) Young wheat plants rotted by A. rolfsiijust
below soil level.

(a) (b)
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