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There are many foods which help in meeting the demands of stress and should
be taken regularly by the patients. These include yoghurt, blackstrap molasses,
seeds, and sprouts. Yoghurt is rich in vitamins A, D, and the B complex group. It
relieves migraine, insomnia, and cramps associated with menstruation.
Blackstrap molasses, a by-product of the sugar-refining process, is rich in iron
and B vitamins. It guards against anaemia and is good for heart disease. Seeds
such as alfalfa, sunflower, pumpkins, and sprout are rich in calcium and quite
effective as deterrents of listlessness and anxiety

Diet for Stress

Lifestyle change, optimum diet, regular exercise and rest

In dealing with stress, the lifestyle of the patient needs a complete overhaul. He
should be placed on an optimum diet, and be encouraged to take regular
exercise and adequate rest. If this is done, many diseases caused by stress can
be eliminated. Diet plays an important role in the prevention and healing of stress
induced diseases.

Food to be avoided during stress

Certain foods associated with stress and anxiety should be scrupulously avoided.
These foods are caffeine in coffee and many soft drinks, salt, sugar, cigarettes,
and alcohol

Other stress treatment

Do Regular physical exercise and eliminate unnecessary stress

Regular physical exercise plays an important role in the fight against stress. It not
only keeps the body physically and mentally fit, but also provides recreation and
mental relaxation, Recreation and rest are also important. The patient should set
a definite time for recreational activities, and should take a holiday at regular
intervals. Above all, he should simplify his style of living to eliminate unnecessary

Remedies for burnt skin

Apply aloe vera or vinegar on the affected skin; it will stop inflammation and pain.
Avoid products made from benzocaine, lidocaine and petroleum jelly. Rub
mustard oil on the affected skin and allow to it dry, this will take out the heat from
the skin. Cut fresh cucumber slices and rub them on the affected area. Before
taking bath, add some baking powder to the bath water, this will help to soothe
the burnt skin. Apply lavender oil or peppermint oil on the burnt skin. Apply apple
cider vinegar to the burnt skin using cotton ball. Take herbal bath; put few drops
of chamomile and lavender essential oils in bath water. Take epsom salt or ice

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