Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

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Consume at least 4-6 liters of water everyday. This is the best way to hydrate
and moisturize your skin from within.

Other suggestions for Wrinkles

More smiling, less squinting and frowning are ways to keep your face young,
wrinkle-free and attractive.

Use natural moisturizing creams and lotions regularly. Light massage with cream
or lotion every night can keep your skin soft and supple.

Use a good quality sunscreen lotion whenever you go out in the sun.

Home remedies for Yeast Infection

Home remedy using Yogurt

Take a tampon and dip it in yogurt. Insert in the vagina, twice a day. Continue
this remedy for an extra day after your symptoms go away.

Tea Tree Oil

A few drops of tea tree oil poured on a tampon and inserted in the vagina can
provide some relief.


For non-vaginal yeast infections, you can apply garlic paste directly on the
affected parts. This remedy is for other affected parts of the body and not for the
vaginal yeast infection.

Painful gums and bleeding teeth? Apply a powdered mixture of 50 gm. of green
guava peel with 10 gm. each of phitkari (alum), kali mirch (black pepper) and
sendha namak (black salt or induppu in Tamil ) on your teeth twice a day and this
will provide relief in less than a week.

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