Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

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It is advisable to eat these different foods at different meals -- a fruit meal, a starch meal and a
protein meal. The ideal practice is a fruit meal for breakfast, a starch meal with salad and non-
starchy vegetables for lunch, and a protein meal with a salad and non-starchy vegetables for

Proteins: Nuts, seeds, soybeans, cheese, eggs, poultry meat, fish*, yogurt.

Fats: Oils, olive, butter, margarine.Starches: Whole cereals, peas, beans, lentils.

Vegetables: Leafy green vegetables, sprouted seeds, cabbage cauliflower,broccoli, green peas,
celery, tomatoes, onions.

Fast Cure

Fasting is Nature's curative agent. It can restore health where everything else
has failed. It gives Nature a chance to clean the system.

Fasting means total abstinence from all food, both liquid and solid. Therefore
taking of fruit juice and coffee goes against fasting.

Water is not food. Therefore it does not stimulate the appetite. During fasting
drink plenty of water. This will drive away weakness.

If you overwork, you need perfect rest. If you continue to overwork without rest,
the whole system will break down. Even so, the stomach and other digestive
organs need rest. If they are overworked on account of overfeeding, various
diseases of the digestive apparatus will develop.

If the sewer system of a city gets clogged up they flush it with water. If your
system gets clogged up, do the same thing. Stop eating. Drink plenty of water
often. Flush the intestines.

When your motorcar goes out of order very frequently, you send it to the
workshop and have it completely overhauled. When you take it out, it runs like a
new car. Even so is fasting. Fasting thoroughly overhauls the system and gives
new vigor and strength. This body-motor-car will runs smoothly without disease.

There in lies the difference between fasting and starvation. Fasting is a religious
abstinence from food. It is giving up of food when there is no real hunger, to
eliminate poison and accumulated filth from the system and to allow Nature to do
its work of healing vigorously and satisfactorily. Through fasting you remove
diseases and regain perfect health, vigor and vitality. Prana is vivified by fasting.
Life-spark is rekindled by fasting. In starvation there is hunger. It is affliction with

If you stuff your stomach with food when there is no hunger, it is a physiological
sin. You go against Nature. Nature will punish you seriously. Therefore fast and

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