Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

(ff) #1

Second Day: Three or four meals of same, 6 to 8 ounces.

Third Day: Fresh fruits for each meal.

Fourth Day: Fresh fruits for each meal or half a pint of milk or buttermilk 3 or 4
times a day or eat light soups at meal times.

Fifth Day: Three light meals, either fresh fruit or soup.

Sixth or Seventh Day: Vegetables and whole-wheat cereal, noon and evening.

Following Days: Gradually work up from fruit, milk and vegetables to normal


After a fast of 21 to 40 days or longer.

Follow the same program as for 14 to 21 days' fast.

But take smaller amounts of food for the first two or three days. Take fruit juices
on the third and fourth day. Take smaller amounts of food at each feeding for the
first 3 or 4 days.

Barley water, barley gruel, rice water, vegetable soup or broth may be taken in 4
to 6 ounces. Later on cereal preparations made with milk may be taken.

The overuse of milk or the taking of too much food too soon may cause the body
to bloat. To remove this condition reduces the quantity. Wait a few days before
going on the milk diet. Fast again and go without water. Take enemas. Then
break the fast properly.

Dietetic Don'ts

  1. Do not take food in a hurry. Masticate each morsel as thoroughly as possible.
    The enzyme called ptyalin has to change starch into sugar in your mouth.

  2. Do not eat much protein. An excess of protein taxes the liver and the kidneys
    and causes serious diseases. Aged persons are less able to digest excess of

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