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Allergies treatment using Lime
Lime is considered an effective remedy for any kind of allergy. Half a lime may be
squeezed in a glass of lukewarm water and sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.
It can be taken once daily first thing in the morning for several months. This
remedy not only flushes the system of toxins but also acts as an antitoxic and
antiallergic agent. However, those who are allergic to citrus fruits should not take
recourse to this remedy.
Allergies treatment using Bananas
One or two bananas a day are useful for those who are allergic to certain foods
and who consequently suffer from skin rashes, digestive disorders, or asthma,
The fruit does, however, cause allergic reactions in certain sensitive persons and
they should avoid it.
Allergies treatment using Vegetable Juices
A quantity of 500 ml carrot juice or a combination of carrot juice with beet and
cucumber juices, has been found beneficial in the treatment of allergies. In the
case of mixed juices, 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed
with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of mixed juice. This
should be taken once daily.


Amnesia treatment using Rosemary
The most remarkable remedy for loss of memory or forgetfulness is the use of
the herb rosemary, botanically known as Romarinus officinalis. Rosemary has
long been regarded as a herb for remembrance. In ancient times, the Greeks and
the Romans prepared fragrant distilled water from the flowers of this plant and
inhaled the odour so that 'the evils were destroyed from the mind and the
memory no longer played tricks.' Rosemary is considered to be an antidote for
mental fatigue and forgetfulness. A tea made from this herb, taken once or twice
a day, is a refreshing drink and an effective natural remedy for enhancing mental
Amnesia treatment using Brahmi Booti
Another herb useful in amnesia is brahmi booti, botanically known as Bacopa
scrophulariaceae. About seven grams of this herb should be dried in the shade
and ground in water, along with seven kernels of almonds and half a gram of
pepper. This mixture should be strained and sweetened with twenty-five gm of
sugar. It should be drunk every morning for a fortnight on an empty stomach.
Amnesia treatment using Sage
The herb sage has also been found beneficial in the treatment of a weak memory
or loss of memory. It acts on the cortex of the brain, mitigates mental exhaustion
and strengthens the ability to concentrate. A tea prepared from dried sage leaves
can be used regularly for this purpose.
Amnesia treatment using Almonds
Almonds are very valuable for restoring a poor memory caused by brain
weakness. They contain unique properties to remove brain debility and to

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