Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

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Bronchitis treatment using Chicory
Chicory or endive is another effective home remedy for bronchitis. The powder of
the dry root of this herb should be given in doses of half a teaspoon mixed with
one teaspoonful of honey thrice daily. It is a very useful expectorant in chronic
Bronchitis treatment using Linseed
A hot poultice of linseed (alsi) should be applied over the front and back of the
chest. This poultice may be prepared by mixing one cup or sixteen tablespoons
of the seeds with a quantity of hot water, sufficient to convert them into a moist
mealy mass. This should then be applied carefully. Turpentine may also be
rubbed over the chest.


Use of Comfrey tea

Apply buchu or Comfrey tea on the bruise. This will prevent discoloration of skin
and reduce the pain.
Ice pack
Apply ice pack to the bruise. This will reduce pain and inflammation. Please do
not try this remedy on broken skin.
Heating pads
A day after using ice packs, apply heating pads to the affected area, this will
dilate blood vessels and improve circulation.
Application of apple cider vinegar
Apply apple cider vinegar and cold water on the bruise.
Heinz vinegar
Apply Heinz vinegar to the bruise using a cotton ball. This will speed up the
healing process.
Help of herbal flowers
Steep mullein flowers into olive oil and apply it on the bruise.
Raw egg
Break a raw egg and apply the content on the bruise.
Arnica benefits
Leaves of Arnica plant may be used in an ointment and can be applied to skin to
treat bruises.


Cataract treatment using Carrot
The use of carrots is considered beneficial in the treatment of cataract. The
patient should take plenty of raw carrots daily. As an alternative, he may drink
two glasses of fresh carrot juice, one each in the morning and evening.
Cataract treatment using Garlic

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