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with the trade name Saffloxin-Cipla is used routinely during myocardial infarction,
cardiac ischaemia, and hypertension.

Cough treatment using Grapes

Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of a
cough. Grapes tone up the lungs and act as an expectorant, relieving a simple
cold and cough in a couple of days. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon
of honey is advised for cough relief.
Cough treatment using Almonds
Almonds are useful for dry coughs. Seven kernels should be soaked in water
overnight and the brown skin removed. They should then be ground well to form
a fine paste. A quantity of twenty grams each of butter and sugar should then be
added to the paste. This paste should be taken in the morning and evening.
Cough treatment using Onion

The use of raw onion is valuable in a cough. This vegetable should be chopped
fine and the juice extracted from it. One teaspoon of the juice should then be
mixed with one teaspoon of honey and kept for four or five hours-it will make an
excellent cough syrup and should be taken twice daily. Onions are also useful in
removing phelgm. A medium-sized onion should be crushed, the juice of one
lemon added to it, and then one cup of boiling water poured on it. A teaspoon of
honey can be added for taste. This remedy should be taken two or three times a
Cough treatment using Turmeric
The root of the turmeric plant is useful in a dry cough. The root should he roasted
and powdered. This powder should be taken in three gram doses twice daily, in
the morning and evening.
Cough treatment using Belleric Myroblan
The herb belleric myroblan is a household remedy for a cough. A mixture
comprising two grams of the pulp of the fruit, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon
of long pepper, and 2 teaspoons of honey should be administered for the
treatment of this condition twice daily. The dried fruit covered with wheat flour
and roasted , is another popular remedy for cough condition.
Cough treatment using Raisins
A sauce prepared from raisins is also useful in a cough. This sauce is prepared
by grinding 100 gm of raisins with water. About 100 gm of sugar should be mixed
with it and the mixture heated. When the mixture acquires a sauce-like
consistency, it should be preserved. Twenty grams should be taken at bedtime
Cough treatment using Aniseed

Aniseed is another effective remedy for a hard dry cough with difficult
expectoration. It breaks up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be
taken regularly for treating this condition.

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