Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

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dematerialized and devitalized foods are taken to satisfy the whim and palate of
the individual. The result is they develop beriberi and various other diseases.
These are all criminally unwise and foolish feeding habits.

Root vegetables and tubers should never be peeled, cut up and soaked in water
for some time before cooking, because the soluble constituents dissolve into the
water. They must be first washed; then cut up and cooked.

Mineral Salts

All natural foods contain mineral salts. Wrong methods of preparation and
cooking often cause their loss.

Mineral salts build bones and teeth. They form the red oxygen, carrying pigment
of the blood. They enter into the structure of every body cell. They form a part of
the digestive fluids. They keep the blood alkaline. They help the blood to

The basic value and necessity for a liberal supply of organic mineral salts in the
daily food is overlooked by the Allopaths. What a sad and terrible mistake

Organic mineral salts as iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, silicon,
etc., are contained in abundance in the juicy fruits and the leafy, juicy vegetables.
Therefore take juicy fruits and leafy, juicy vegetables.

Coconut contains more organic salts and fat. It must be taken in small quantity. It
comes near to the chemical composition of human milk than any other food in

Plums, grapes, cherries, apricots, pears, peaches and mangoes, contain a large
amount of mineral salts. They also contain large quantities of fuel sugars in easily
assimilable form.

The dried peas and beans, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, spinach, raisin,
green peas, lettuce, tomato and cabbage contain a good quantity of iron.

Nuts, cereals, dried fruits, peas and beans contain copper. The iron of foods can
only be fully utilized by the body when copper is provided.

Iodine is a constituent of the hormone, which is secreted by the thyroid gland,
situated in front of the neck. It is needed in very small amount, but if it is lacking
entirely in the diet, the thyroid glands does not function properly. Goitre is the

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