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Lemon is also beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. The patient should be given
20 ml of lemon juice mixed with water several times a day. This will protect the
damaged liver cells.

Jaundice treatment using Barley Water

Barley water drunk several times during the day is another good remedy for this
disease. One cup of barley should be boiled in three litres of water and simmered
for three hours.

Jaundice treatment using Jaundice Berry

The herb jaundice berry, botanically known as Berberis vultaris is very useful in
jaundice.The pulverized bark should be given several times a day in doses of
one-fourth of a teaspoon in the treatment of this disease, or the fluid extract
should be given 2-4 ml doses.

Jock itch is a fungal skin infection caused by a fungus called Trichophyton
rubrum. This fungus mainly affects skin of genitals, inner thighs, groin area and
buttocks. This fungus mainly grows in warm and moist part of the body. Jock itch
is also known as tinea cruis. It causes a lot of discomfort but is not a serious
infection. It is more common in men than in women. Overweight and profusely
sweating people can also get infected.

Jock Itch Remedies

Keep moist and warm areas of the body clean and dry. Since jock itch is a fungal
infection apply any OTC antifungal cream, powder or spray on the infected skin.
Change your undergarments daily. You can use antidandruff shampoo on the
infected skin. Apply tea tree oil on the infected skin, it is a natural antifungal.

Take garlic

Since jock itch is a fungal infection, include good quantity of garlic in your food.
Garlic has antifungal qualities. Apply honey and garlic alternatively on the
infected skin.

Diet to avoid

Avoid eating refined carbohydrates, sugar and food items that contain yeasts.
Avoid alcohol because it eventually converts to sugar. Your diet must contain a
lot of raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid greasy, fried and processed foods.

Home remedy for kidney stones

Kidney Stones treatment using Kidney Beans

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